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Virgo...Choice Between 2...November 18 - 24 Weekly Tarot Reading Virgo

  • Creator of "The Daily Vibe" Spring of 2018
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    Timing is Fluid...There are no clocks in Universal Timing...
    These readings are for Sun, Rising, Moon and Venus
    Soul Source Tarot created The Daily Vibe in the Spring of 2018
    ~Please use your own logic & intuition. These interpretations are just a possibility. Keep in mind that this reading is for a "general" audience and it is not a Private Reading geared just for you.
    At this time I am only offering Skype & Phone Readings.
    If you would like a Private Reading geared towards you and your situation please copy and paste this link into your browser. www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/SST5TL You will be able to book based on your schedule and my availability. After you book please email me at soulsourcetarot@gmail.com
    The Skype App is free to download and can be deleted at any time later on.
    Here is the link to download Skype: www.skype.com/en/get-skype/
    Legal Disclaimer
    All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement. For legal reasons I have to advise you that the readings are for entertainment purposes only.

    Category : Viajes y eventos


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