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Top 20 de mis bandas goticas favoritas

  • 20. Diva Destruction - In Dreaming
    19. Human Drama - The Waiting Hour
    18. Entwine - New Dawn
    17 Siouxsie & The Banshees - Face To Face
    16. Epica - Never Enough
    15. Crematory - Revolution
    14. Omega Lithium - Stigmata
    13. Xandria - Save My Life
    12. The Sisters Of Mercy - Doctor Jeep
    11. The Birthday Massacre - Walking With Strangers
    10. Theatre of Tragedy - A Rose For The Dead
    9. Dreadful Shadows - Dusk
    8. Within Temptation - Final Destination
    7. Nightwish - Amaranth
    6. Deathstars - Blitzkrieg
    5. Gothminister - Darkside
    4. The 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl
    3. Lacrimas Profundere - To Love Her On Knees
    2. Sopor Aeternus - In Der Palästra
    1. Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt

    Category : Videos y musica


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